Unable to deliver

Delivery with DHL not possible (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands):

If you have not received your package, please contact Customer Service.

Delivery with DHL Express not possible:

If you won’t be at home at the time of delivery, DHL Express allows you to select a different delivery date or drop-off location, or a contact person in the neighborhood with whom your package may be dropped off. To do this, please visit the DHL Express On Demand Delivery page: https://delivery.dhl.com/. Select the country of your delivery address, click “Manage shipment as guest” and enter your waybill tracking number.

If your package was supposed to be delivered but you weren’t home at the time, a new delivery attempt will usually be made on the next business day, or your package will be deposited at a DHL Express Service Point near you. In such case, you should also receive information from DHL Express in this regard.

If your inquiry is still unresolved, please contact our Customer Service.

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